What is an affidavit of execution?

An affidavit of execution is a sworn declaration attesting to the execution of another document and is signed by a witness. The affidavit of execution often contains information like the date of signing, the full names of the signers and witnesses, and the location of signing in order to demonstrate that the witness saw the document being signed.

Do affidavits of execution need to be notarized?

Affidavits of execution must be commissioned or notarized, yes. The affidavit of execution must be signed by the witness in the presence of a commissioner for taking affidavits or a notary public. As an exhibit to the affidavit of execution, the document referred to therein must be signed and notarized.

What is the Form 74D affidavit of execution for a will or codicil?

For wills, affidavits of execution are frequently needed. One of the witnesses to the will must fill out a Form 74D Affidavit of Execution for Will or Codicil if a will needs to go through probate (the official court procedure to affirm an executor’s ability to act on behalf).

One of the witnesses should fill out an affidavit of execution when you sign your will, as this is a good idea. The executed affidavit of execution and the will should be kept in a secure location. They won’t have to worry about finding one of the original witnesses to sign the affidavit of execution when your family and executor need to probate your will in the future.

Are there other types of affidavit of execution?

Affidavits of execution can also be used to prove that a witness to the signing of a document truly existed. This is needed for real estate transactions in various jurisdictions.

When a power of attorney is executed but not notarized, affidavits of execution may also be utilized. Powers of attorney must frequently be witnessed and notarized in order to be accepted by financial institutions. It might be possible to complete an affidavit of execution in place of completely rewriting the powers of attorney if someone has a power of attorney that is not notarized by having one of the witnesses sign it.


Do you need to consult with someone about your legal matters or need to get any documents notarized? Get in touch with Juris Notary, and we’ll be happy to help you out or point you in the correct direction if need be.